Les délices gastronomiques de nos aïeux avec un de glands doux pour débuter la semaine en mode avec la d'#affiches sur ☺️
👉 https://t.co/TtVlYfi0p0

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DOPPIO POST! Due lezioni di meraviglia: 1. La Guerra della corrente elettrica; 2. Il mistero ultimo dell'astronomia.


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🌟NGC 2359: Thor's Helmet. Image Credit & Copyright: Ignacio Diaz Bobillo 🌒 🌏 Difonent la des de

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Happy Monday (on a Tuesday) QM 4 year anniversary - hiatus - Weekly Nebulae will still be a thing. Positive Changes - Thank you for your support! https://t.co/EHHui5RlJa

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This is indeed an amazing printed book. In return, here's an Anglo-Saxon astronomical manuscript, made in the 11th century. We think they're both very beautiful: enjoy!


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January 28th
trypophobia kinda /
Astronomical Space Produce Vendor Berry is, well, exactly whats written on the tin! She's an alien who travels from planet to planet selling 100% organic strawberries!
Fun Fact! The sparkles in her eyes aren't sparkles! They're pockets of light!

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So thrilled to finally have worked with last year at and we look forward to many more.
And now you too can participate in the magic... see below...
DATA GATE _ World’s First AI Astronomical R… https://t.co/tGuGAVwLP1

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Join Celeste on her debut adventure through the cosmos in Flowing Eclipse: Starburst! Prepare for an adventure of astronomic proportions when the game comes to on 2/22!


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Demà a coincidiran a les 17.30 h l'activitat familiar "El tòtem de les emocions" amb Matilde Pando (places limitades, cal inscripció prèvia) i el col·loqui "#Astronomia: ciència informal", a càrrec de Lluís Amorós. Més informació a https://t.co/5BtxeraR6R

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Dissabte a coincidiran a les 17.30 h l'activitat familiar "El tòtem de les emocions" amb Matilde Pando (places limitades, cal inscripció prèvia) i el col·loqui "#Astronomia: ciència informal", a càrrec de Lluís Amorós. Més info a https://t.co/5BtxeqTfIh

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Ed infine la grande tradizione gastronomica con alcune delle più grandi eccellenze alimentari mondiali come il ed il Per eventi aziendali, visite guidate con le migliori guide locali: tour.net https://t.co/0KYGqLKvaQ

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“By focusing attention, observation, and extensive thought on astronomical phenomena, one is able to prove the unicity of God and to recognize the extent of the Creator’s might as well as His wide wisdom and delicate design.”
– Al-Battani (850-929), Astronomer & Mathematician

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It's been a while since I've drawn Ruth really large. Like... Really large.

Like we're talking planet summoning, galaxy toyin' astronomically god damn huge. Unstoppable, utterly titanicly towering.

So here's something I put a lot of work into, all that practice sure shows.

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Muslim Astronomer Fátima of Madrid (10th-century)
She spent most of her life in Córdoba, the world-leading center for all knowledge at the time. Fátima corrected "The Astronomical Tables of al-Khawarizmi". She also worked on calendars, eclipses and Moon visibility…

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HEY, EVERYBODY! As of Jan 3 2019, my work has cut hours astronomically. They were already cut to me getting 16-18 hours per week, but they've now cut THOSE and I'll be lucky for 3 hours in 1 week.

Until I find a new job, I'll be in need of commissions! https://t.co/6q8CJ43Rbc

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First drawing of 2019! Wish I could say it was deeper but I was just hungry for Filipino home cooking 🥘👩🏾‍🍳 (Specifically, this is lechon paksiw, so my mouth is watering.) Is this a sign to start exploring the story side of food /gastronomic illo??

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