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16 de Febrero del 2020 es un día muy importante e inolvidable para Imantado y para los Imantakus, llegó el tan esperado partner de Twitch! después de tanto tiempo y esfuerzo👏🏻 @imantadotv muchas felicidades rey, lo tienes más que merecido! Teskero muchísimo💜 #GraciasImantado
Alex Wesker. To me,Alex is an absolutely unsympathetic character,truly evil and egomaniacal,but that is what makes her the perfect successor to Albert,and a heir of Oswell E. Spencer.Alex betrayed many people who regarded her as their ally,like Oswell,Neil and Miller
as the train was attacked by Queen Leech mid-way,as the creature,which assumed the form of deceased Dr. James Marcus after he was assasinated by his pupils Birkin and Wesker 10 years ago,swarmed the train with leeches, turning passengers into zombies
📽️@Pausoka-k euskaraz ekoiztutako 'Ihesaldia' minisaila otsailaren 27tik aurrera ikusi ahal izango da AEBn, @FlixLatino-ri esker.
Basauriko espetxean 1976ko abenduan gertatu zen benetako gertakari batean oinarrituta dago.
akuma, taskmaster, wesker and spider-man!
akuma/taskmaster: rivals for using the fighting style of other characters
wesker/spider-man: wesker takes no responsibility for the consequences of his power, while peter believes that with great power comes great responsibility
we'll start with @imaru_haru and her lovely date, Wesker. Enjoy the valentines gift <3
another fun fact:It is implied that Albert Wesker posseses telepathic abilities and also an ability to shoot optic blasts from his eyes,akin to these of X-Men's Cyclops.
6. Amaterasu, Okami. I love Okami! It's one of my favourite games probably ever. I love Ammy so so much. (I also main either her or Wesker in marvel vs capcom)
Chris,Jill and Albert appear in #UltimateMarvelvsCapcom3 comics
It's curious the fact Jill isn't brainwashed like in game but her mind's free and she works with Chris as usual against Albert
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #JillValentine #ChrisRedfield #AlbertWesker #MvsC3 #バイオハザード
It's my comfort character and there is nothing you can do about it
#residentevil #albertwesker
جييل : أكان مابك حُباً , أم مجرد سِد فراغ مؤذي؟
البرت :لكني في الحقيقة تائه، وهذا أسوء إن كنت تعلمين !
#REBHFun #Weskertine
#rebhfun #albertwesker #chrisredfield #leonkennedy #nsfwish I dunno what I am doing anymore 😂
Wesker would be the nerd to play yugioh on his spare time #YuGiOh #albertwesker #residentevil
Albert's a skilled soldier who worked for USA Army and on 1978 he became an Umbrella researcher thanks to his degree in biotechnology.
On 1996 Albert founded STARS division in Raccoon City
#ResidentEvil #AlbertWesker #RE0 #RE1 #REBHFun #RE1R #RE96 #バイオハザード #REremake
@Streamcast_ Makes sense she that tall if the theorys arw correct and she is the closet we seen to he perfect Tyrant god Wesker would lose his shit if her putnhis eyes on her 🤣🤣🤣