here are some more old doodles of avery, while i'm thinking about him... he truly is my only nihilistic oc.

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Futurama es mejor; es comedia absurda que satiriza temas de ciencia ficción y no se vuelca al 100% en parodiar, crea sus propios conceptos y los usa, no es nihilista pretenciosa, te podía hacer llorar de verdad, no soltar un discurso vació luego de sacar chistes de bolas y caca

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SO had to make a new character I forgot my centaur Theo is retiring from his campaign soooo meet Ngiri a Half-Orc Pugilist✨

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🇷🇺Saint-Pétersbourg, 13 mars 1881:
Alexandre II est assassiné.
Celui qu'on surnomme le "Tsar Émancipateur", projetait alors d'octroyer au peuple russe une constitution libérale. Pas assez libérale, sans doute, aux yeux des anarchistes nihilistes qui lui ôtèrent la vie

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One of the scenes I have planned for the current (2nd) volume I'm writing

Song, Shu and Rei are at a calligraphy museum


Rei, an alien:😮😮😮

Song, a philistine:

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公式サイト内のバイオグラフィーに結成当時のフェイバリットバンドとしてAUTOPSYとNIHILISTがあげられており1st デモの頃はスローパートを強調したスカンジナビアンスタイルのデスメタルを実践しており、国内におけるスカンジナビアンスタイルのデスメタルのパイオニアでもある。

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Huge Thank You to for this lovely drawing of Dr. Lucy Lynn ☕️ ♥️

I got to play her last night at Aegis and had a great time interacting with other members~ Can't wait to see what this tired nihilist gets up to there

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Un caposaldo del femminismo, il testo che più di tutti ha dato una spinta per la comprensione profonda delle strutture sociali maschiliste che hanno dominato la donna. Duro verso gli uomini,ma ancor più verso le donne.

Il secondo sesso


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Oi oi!! Meu nome é Nathalia, eu sou ilistradora e animadora e faço alguns designs de personagens redondinhos e bonitinhos!!

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카운트 다운, 5 일 sound like a white noise, nihilistic, hermeneutical, contradictory, incorrect, melancholic, visceral, almost punk, politically incorrect, but extremely attractive...#4bttd

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algum estilista/designer/escultor que saiba trabalhar com arame, ferro e tecido afim de fazer esse vestido com o qual eu sonhei essa noite.. e me usar de modelo

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Pixel commission for my friend NihilistDog on Instagram!🖤

Featuring thier character Grey! They are one of my favorite designs and it was super fun to draw them again!

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And finally Episode 3 we get a formal introduction for 1 1/2 of the teams! First up our petty queen Sakura Haruno 🌸 then the edge-lord Sasuke Uchiha 🔥 petty queen Ino Yamanaka 🦉and the nihilist lad himself Shikamaru Nara 🚬

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Who said Pugilists can't be romantic! Buckhorse (active between 1720 and 1750) was a formidable opponent in the ring, and it seems he was an equally formidable romantic.

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Nikolay "Torpedo" Romanov

Um ex-soldado e exímio pugilista da marinha soviética em meio a 2a Grande Guerra Mundial. Após uma noite de bebedeira, por motivos completamente misteriosos, acorda em um mundo completamente diferente de sua antiga pátria mãe.

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Glorious disaster in all of her glory! But is there too little leopard print? I might have taken some artistic liberties.

Meet William Malins, the newest enemy of the Ninja Turtles. And honestly, anyone who chooses to look like this is a true nihilist.

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Aquí tenemos a nuestro gato nihilista en estilo Equipo Galaxia.
Estas cosas las suelo subir con anticipación a Patreon

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Vamo lá! Sou o moshi! 24 anos. Saiu da cidade grande e foi para o interior. Sou ilistrador, quadrinista e gráfica para artistas independentes.

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In completely denying the illusion of freedom for the protagonist and foregoing all idealism in favor of a naked militarist power struggle, this is definitely one of the most nihilistic Oshii(-written) films

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