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Aquí traigo a mi doctora algo rebelde y al niño psíquico con problemas de inferioridad,, xfa denles amor
Rune, the loud determined host of the lion spirit, challenges his teammate Fang, a superior/inferior complex riddled skilled opponent, who hosts the grey wolf spirit. She just thinks he's an annoying pest, and though he knows she's scary, he's not afraid to stand up to her!
Meu aniversário foi quinta-feira, mas se alguém quiser me dar um controle Arcade atrasado, eu aceito 😂 (zoeira)
A diagonal inferior direita do meu analógico tá toda zoada e eu não consigo jogar nas setinhas 🥺
@CelestriJohn @BleedingFool @avigreen1 Also from 1966, the debut of the Inferior Five. The Blimp's always been one of my favorites. 😄
This is a major display of insecurity by people who know deep down their product is garbage that is inferior to the original in every way, so they give themselves a false sense of validation while pissing on old fans using a superior version as a mouthpiece.
Según Famitsu, Pokémon Mundo Misterioso Equipo de Rescate DX vendió 138.548 unidades físicas en su primer fin de semana en Japón.
Las ventas son algo inferiores a las de entregas anteriores (rondan los 120 a 170 mil), y están muy lejos de sus originales (237 mil).
Hoje vamos falar sobre as Focas ( Phocidae ). As focas possuem um corpo hidrodinâmico, semelhante a um torpedo, com os membros posteriores e inferiores em forma de nadadeira, elas não possuem orelhas, o que as diferencia dos leões-marinhos, todas essas características as tornam +
Idea para una colección de 3 charms,con un pequeño pendant en la parte inferior (en el caso de Crowley,serían las estrellitas) y con un fondo personalizado en la cara trasera (Crowley tendría una nebulosa). Me faltan Azi y Lucifer,y quisiera sacarlos para cuando acabe el comic :)
“Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.” - Eleanor Roosevelt #quote #selfesteem
A G-Adult Organism results if a host implanted with a G-Creature embryo has no genetic relation. The G cells cause an intense rejection, the embryo becomes an individual, then eats the host within before bursting out. Its inferior clones lack vitality & can't reproduce. #REBHFun
[DEADROCK inferiority]
O mangá "Two sides of the same coin" de Nishimoto Rou, foi lançado hoje no Japão.
O filho de um policial sempre teve complexo de inferioridade por causa de seu pai. Após o falecimento de sua mãe, ele decide mudar e acaba conhecendo um misterioso boxeador de claras madeixas.
''A society that admits misery, a humanity that admits war, seem to me an inferior society and a debased humanity…''
—Victor Hugo
Here, Pen and ink drawing by Victor Hugo, entitled: "Gavroche à 11 ans" ("Gavroche at 11 years old"), 1850
Part 2/2 He is a hot guy now because I'm a bundle of sticks. (Also KSBD lore says that pale devils are weak, blue better, red more so, green betterer and gold are second best and inferior only to Ebon who are scary motherfuckers) Do you see why I suck at digital!?
Juana de arco:
En occidente // En japón
Por esto los cartoons son inferiores a los animes 😎