Commissioned another portrait for this lovely couple here. ☺️ Thanks to everyone who trusted. 👌

Hope you're having a great week so far. Don't forget to take yourself lightly. 🍃

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For fun on this Friday, how well do you know cats?

Featured cat: Big Red. Isn't he handsome?

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It's and today! What book(s) are you going to catch & read?
✏️ Guido Scarabottolo

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Looks I won't be working today. 😂

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TGIF! Harley Quinn is colored and ready to go party~! 🥳 This makes me miss the after-event parties when I'm in USA for conventions!

What's your most memorable convention party or experience?

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Logo breakdown! 🔥

Not all logos are made as complex, but if I can combine a couple "hidden meaning" visuals without the message being too busy/confusing then I'm a happy designer 👌

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Congradulations Seiiiii♡♡♡
Your piece has touched so many of us so deeply. GO WATCH ON YOUTUBE DOT COM YOU BEAUTIFUL LITTLE CRETIN
And come check the Dishcord

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