画質 高画質

Happy Autism Awareness Day! Enjoy this joke head-canon I made after learning Shokuhou's voice actress is on the spectrum! 😁😁😁#AutismAcceptanceMonth

(Had to make some changes that didn't support negative symbols...)

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Few... Work Been Consuming me! xD,
But Finally had some Free Time!, Decided to Draw Gura Gawr!. Hope all of you are Fine! xD.

(i Heard that my Colors are off - i wonder how they look?...).

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아니ㅠㅠ학교 벚꽃이 이제 막 떨어지는데 진짜 동화처럼 와르르르 떨어져서ㅠㅠㅠ
바로 하특하 장면 생각나 버리고..(그 벚꽃잎 떨어지는거 잡는 하리와..머리에 붙은거 떼주는 강림이...뽑보....)
현이도......선이 무덤....에서....하ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

과몰입 힘들다

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theyre going too (dont look into the logistics too much...)

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Early Birthday Gifts (i was maybe Too Impatient but shhh...)
for &

Happy early birthday Ya'll 🖤🫂

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Think this was from 2016..still one of my favorite sticker designs though!

(really need to finish Better Call Saul...)

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언젠간 다시 그려야하는(...) 아픈 라디 (간호 트레 사용

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(there were off course other sketch as I started this picture like 3-4 times...it was a mountain landscape at the beginning...) https://t.co/Cirq9zgilb

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又是我 壓線大師(都遲到了還壓線...)


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Minted for its amazing animated art & engaged team. But what caught my eye the most were all set with projects which aesthetics I love ( ...) & the care & attention to detail put on each announcement!

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그린 게 없어서 옛날에 낙서한 거 꺼내는 중(레니빙으로 점점 차기 시작하는 갤러리...)
그러고 보니 이 채색브러시 마음에 들엇어 나중에 제대로 써봐야지

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군머즈 날조 좀 햇습니다(그냥살아정형이랑금태양춘식이임...)

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아직 과제 다 못 끝냄(줸장...)

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소우생꽃 협력했어요...///
원래 안 올리고 싶었는데(뭔가 부끄러워서...) 너무 그린게없다보니...ㅋㅋ
다들 수고 많으셨어요!! 히욜쏘 생일 축하해~~

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언급이 있었는지 기억이 안 나서 올립니다
라인 웹툰 묵시의 인플루언서
Apocalypse live 라는 타이틀로 연재되고 있네요 (또... 행성인간 없이...)
희우 은우는 이름 그대로

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캐디만 놓고 보면 웆님이 제일 취향인 편(흑발적안....)

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