Christian Adams on Operation deal - political cartoon gallery in London

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Patrick Jackson on to tell and there must be new deal - political cartoon gallery in London

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Brexit: Food shortages, medicine shortages, fuel shortages, but a surplus of venal British politicians.

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Chris Riddell on Three Billy Goats Guff and the no-deal Brexit troll. What’s that hiding under the bridge, as the parties bicker over a government of national unity. - political cartoon gallery in London

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Martin Rowson on and a potential unity government - political cartoon gallery in London

12 17

Martyn Turner: I'm not sure Boris the clown holds. If he gets what he apparently wants Boris the magician might be more appropriate - political cartoon gallery in London

10 9

Christian Adams on said is using "wrecking tactics"... - political cartoon gallery in London

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Did a quick rebrand to 'celebrate' the arrival of in the UK...

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Steve Bell on John Bolton and US-UK trade deals - political cartoon gallery in London

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