*paf paf* kneading dough for shizun's snack...

(he's wearing little paw gloves for cleanliness..!!)

470 1352

carefully bringing shizun's morning tea....

456 1352

it's a new day! time to clean! bingpup is happily doing the chores to have the cleanest home!

268 1052

oh! all the belly rubs and squishies made him fall asleep!

will you tuck him in? give him one last sneaky belly rub? nose boop?

290 1079

all the praise is making bingpup so happy!! he's happy he's a good boy!!

will you give him belly rubs?? paw pokes??

512 1563

bingpup fetched the play things! did he do good?? is he a good boy???

355 1213

play time??

how will you play time with the baby??

292 1056

the third! he's resting but says horf!

378 1275