IF HE SUMMONED THIS BEFORE I CLEARLY DIDN'T REALIZE ITS GREATNESS I am screaming this thing is so stupid I love it so much... stupid-ass hotwheels porygon-face bitch

1 3

this is so fucking funny because

2 8

LOOOL Yubel like "what the fuck"

1 6

noooooooo he finally let go of that shit haha you tellin' me in his last moments he's more back to his old self hahaha shut uppp I'm gonna cry

1 6

mfw your effect is negated and you take a hit that is probably gonna give you a heart attack

1 3

Judai I'm gonna need you to take a time out

1 6

I LOVE HOW YOU CAN TELL THIS IS YUBEL because this is so close to one of the faces they made lol

1 8

worrying image.png, worrying image2.png,

1 7

yeah that's not gonna happen but you got a nice big hit off! proud of you!

1 6

this like neener neener-off (but really, did they have to rub in how worrying this is considering Ryo's voice is like, cracking, bro please calm down)

1 8

STOP his muscles are so distracting

1 6

like he'd let you do that LOL

1 9