How mutated and eight strains raced around the world after initial outbreak in as global cases top 660,000 and deaths hit 30,847

13 21

I am an unashamed 23 year old employed woman who enjoys this incredible gift from of 6taro fed up with my shit but loving me away so very, very much.
Just what a burned out healthcare workin bitch needed god damn thanks pizza uwuwuwu

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WE will get through this, together!!
For all those working the front lines in this war against the invisible enemy, I salute you!! THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU DO! Be safe, and God Bless all of you!

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Post-WWII, European governments implemented the welfare state via nationalised services, hospitals & insurances, increasing life expectancy.

Poster - "Health of a human" - Soviet Union, 1970s,
Paula Stradiņa Medicīnas vēstures muzejs

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Endless thanks to all the healthcare workers, they are running against the clock for us. The coronavirus is trying to reach us, please do your part and stay home.

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Go shop our friends at for for adorable plush, apparel, art, and more! Plus, right now if you shop their MASKS OF AFFECTION collection, 100% of proceeds go towards buying medical masks for healthcare workers!

3 15

Solidarity with all health workers around the world who are risking their lives to save countless thousands of victims of COVID-19. Many countries, including the U.S., lack state investment in public health. Healthcare must be provided for free for all!

11 21

Honestly, fuck all this clapping for medical workers. Get them PPE and ventilators, and don't vote for people that strip healthcare in the first place.

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I sent Solidago to my bro as a symbol of ordinary people sending encouragement to every healthcare worker who confronts the crisis in this difficult time.

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I originally drew this for my comrades in work as our spirits are down. But this also my salute to all the other key workers! Fellow healthcare workers, teachers, retail staff, cleaners etc you're all heroes!

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PLZ RT: Hey guys! If you have extra N95 masks, scrubs, or any medical equiptment please donate them here at You will be helping our amazing here in

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A nurse at has died. Thanking all the staff for their sacrifices, dedication and selflessness isn’t enough. They need proper supplies not trash bags. What a nightmare.

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Good Morning, I have opinions about the healthcare in the US.

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Seriously, go back and read that article ... a view of from the inside.

We know from the outside that it costs more than anywhere else on Earth. We didn't see doctors being treated like factory workers in a bloated greedy capitalist $$$ money machine.

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4,000 nurses and 500 doctors had responded – over the past 48 hours – to the government’s call to get recently retired healthcare professionals to come back to work, helping the NHS in such a difficult time.

These will hopefully be our new heroes.

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Here's a video about hand washing to show people who don't work in healthcare. What's obvious to us might not be to others. Unless of course, if they've watched Contagion.

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