I need to finish the krtsk doujin I'm working on but I scribbled not-doujin krtsk (references used)

55 65

my tardiness in celebrating smthg is amazing but happy kurotsuki day!!! pls feed me more krtsk ^q^

29 44

Day 3 of krtsk week! Hogwarts AU with Kuroo and Tsukki in Slytherin Quidditch team

102 206

super messy doodle of lil Tetsurou and the mysterious boy in the sunflower field for tonight's [flowers]

53 65

Tsukki you'd be so pretty with flowers in your hair ✨🌻✨

52 66

"That looks good, can I have a taste? ARE YOU MAKING THEM IN CAT SHAPE?"

18 17

"promise we'll get married when we're adults?"

8 11