Crabby crawled into the new home Finessa had brought him, and it glowed as words formed and voices of the gods echoed "The Mug of Candor has been bestowed upon Crabby, granting him power to fulfill his wishes and the curse to never hide them."

9 90

1918 The Representation of the People Act passed by British Parliament received the Royal Assent, granting the vote to women over 30 who owned property, thereby extending the vote to 8.4 million women

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I don't like when people believe everything they hear. So I'm automatically an asshole whenever anyone says I am


LMAO holy shit I can't drunk draw. Ok I'm done ranting now

0 0

Did Santa fail to bring you the game you wanted?
Then it’s time to make a wish to Lariat the Witch!

RT this and subscribe to our newsletter, we'll be sending an email with SECRET wish-granting instructions VERY SOON

43 29

I feel like if Zketch was ranting about something/someone, Crash would co-sign everything he said and proceed to talk shit about it/them.
Zketch the Hedgehog belongs to

0 3

I forget to upload art here instead if just ranting so here's some chibis

1 2

That’s just anubutts for you, their pride and their determination can get out of hand but it’s cute to watch so that’s why the slaves do it. Nobody can resist the cute ranting commands from a tall eared brown girl.

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Me ranting about my Jealousy problem to my B.B.F~ ( Best Box Friend ) ✨

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I like to insert the occasional drawing between my ranting about culverts and the OPW. Here's a book loving dinosaur. Velocireader.#dinosaur

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Some Djinn Dragons I've made! Wish-granting, shapeshifting, genie-like spirits who make physical forms from the energy of cherished objects.

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Anyone else having a shit day and feel like ranting? No? Just me, then? Glad I've got 2 bags of Reeses PB cups!

3 13

a doodle of a wish-granting cloud genie thing who runs around messing with humans and turning her hair into verniers

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i doodled Sorey after ranting to my friend lol

3 15

Aaaaand here's Ericka, the cutie moth I've been ranting about way too much for the last few days. Gaaah I love her, expect more of her! <3

1 14

Thank u for commissioning me and granting Rehi that Sub $$ It's ya girl Acorn!!

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Event mechanics remain the same as the previous event, with the following Servants granting bonuses!

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no.8 - Fanboy ~ on the granting of exclusive access only to news organizations that follow his narrative

1 2

i totally lost my marbles yesterday and between ranting and typing delusional bullshit I ended up doodling these so just take them

4 22

idk karkat is ranting about something and dave is just enjoying himself

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🌸This is 's art account! 🌸
Follow for strictly art-related posts instead of ranting and memes

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