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HEY YOU! Gonna be at @PonyFestOnline? Well, join @Ruefers and myself as we host Tee KO: The Battle for the Fuf-est Tee @ 8PM EDT
A PONYTASTIC game of Tee KO featuring a handful of vendors from the Ponyfest Vendor hall
Vote on your faves, support the artists, It's all in good FUF!
Y'all best be ready to buy ALL THE THINGS from @BefishProd in our virtual vendor hall this weekend!
From charms to buttons, lanyards to stickers, Befish has ya covered starting Saturday, May 30!
#ponyfest | #brony | #pf3
.@viwrastupr returns to our virtual vendor hall this weekend, May 30-31, with his standard array of puzzles, commissions, blankets and the like.
Drop by and get ya some starting Saturday morning!
#ponyfest | #brony | #pf3
Hey, ya you, hey you! Don't forget @PonyFestOnline is this weekend. Join the fun, watch the panels, chat it up, shop the vendors. (Ps I have a spot check out my stuff?!)
Ain't it cool that @ask_twisted returns to our virtual vendor hall this Saturday, May 30?
Prepare yrself for charm bracelets, earrings, chibis, sketches and much more!
#ponyfest | #brony | #pf3
And that's a wrap everyone. Thanks for coming to @SEAPonyCon. Time for this birb to finally fuf off to bed.
Art by @itssugarmorning - I got it during the con.
(by the way, vendor tables are still open at https://t.co/NFYRJa1T5m until Monday 17:00 UTC - check them out!)
Here's a HUGE commission for a friend! Hina, Akane, and Kaede being on the beach, all fat and stuff!
Kuai-Liang also found a new job as an Ice Cream vendor, turns out it's much more profitable than being a Ninja.
And for those looking for other AD con stuff, don't forget Night Flare's AD vendor hall open 24/7 with:
@TPMAFTERDARK @Ruefers @RileyIsHereHide @RatofDrawn @PunkPegaAD @InkKeyStudios @FristART @floralsh_tpost @TechyLewdies @stephenwintre @lil_mizz_jay
I have vendor "tables" for both @OnlinePonies and @SEAPonyCon this weekend!
get some sweet deals soon! Of course there will be a con weekend discount starting tomorrow on the site
I'll taking a hiatus on commissions - I've had a steady stream for a few months so going to take the time to catch up on some other stuff! When Origins Online happens, I'll probably take a few slots for the weekend! Get your online badge and see all the other vendors~ [Repost]
Guys, guess what ?
I've just finished to set up my vendor table for Quantum SEAPonyCon, I can't wait to meet you there ~
And I'll also run a panel with Tridashie, it'll be a first !
AND my panel application just got accepted for Ponyfest 3.0 !
I'm the most happy ball of fluff !
.@kelsmister (Alienkitty Designs) is in our virtual vendor hall for the first time next weekend, with some Bit Rate-specific wares in addition to some awesome buttons, stickers and the like.
Stop by next Saturday, won't ya?
#ponyfest | #brony | #pf3
.@LytletheLemur's debutng in our virtual vendor hall next weekend, May 30!
Stop by for some awesome indie comics, or perhaps some commissions/prints.
#ponyfest | #brony | #pf3
Web searches of "Alita Battle Angel" have shot up recently, apparently due to the Disney rumor, Alita on Sky TV & due to the petition hitting 150K. & yesterday the reg Alita bluray sold out completely on Amazon - no vendors had copies, probably due to a surge in demand. @doc_ido
Raven Vendor - Another one in my ongoing series of commissions for upper tier Kickstarter backers.
For special books that contain short story snippets of fats, a special mushroom vendor stuck in a barrel will offer some nearby books for a price. She can't read them anyways.
Just added two more vendors to our new Artistic Face Masks website that is now a gateway to well over 100,000 designer masks. Here is a sample page: https://t.co/YELzCookhw