I lost interest in drawing this, so it is really rushed, sorry! Imma share anyway 🤷

slight nudity warning btw. I imagine the Maestros are built like dolls tho, so nothing is showing.

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catch me making just Incredibly self indulgent art. (Also can you tell this was some of the first Balan art I made?)

Balan doesn't need to eat, but if he feels like eating he totally can! He probably goes a little overboard with it.

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Wanted to make a Clownfish-inspired Mermaid!Balan for Mermay after seeing everyone else’s amazing pieces!💕

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So I heard yesterday was kiss day and scrambled to do this, but I lost motivation in the middle oof, Emma looks so weird here.

13 42

Still not feeling my best, but new oc baby, Calysto makes me smile anyways. Theyre the child of Amygdala and Lance :) was a saint and did the lineart for the baby for me :D

14 71

Yes! They’re are finally here! I enjoyed making these two, especially for pride month! Only three more stickers to work on! I wanted to showcase these two since I really love them~!✨

Redbubble: https://t.co/3wbCmOIPfN

14 48

Lately people have been saying they're going through some stuff, and honestly the next two weeks are gonna be very challenging for me too. So here's something for eveyone's moral

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최애 두 캐릭터를 모두 그려주셨네요 요청 받아주셔서 정말 감사합니다😄🥰👍👍

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Fun fact: Cresc's outfit was partially inspired by magicians, so i thought it would be fun to draw them as an actual magician! :D

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"Oh no! Pretty clown boy got stick in the air with his balloons!"
Something cute for your day~

24 70

Working on a pretty dang big drawing so here's a WIP of it 👀

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