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It's Chuuni Time Motherfuckers
Okay yeah I haven't posted in ages but, listen, I fucking love OCs with god complexes okay.
Characters from top to bottom;
Senka - Belongs to Salami Mami on most social media
Yori - Belongs to pepperment#8844 on discord
Fujio - belongs to me. yeet.
@YoitsYohane @zachl1226 @IvoryIcee I'd rather say Yohane doesn't have a pairing with μ's girls since nobody there has "Chuuni". It'd a mix between Nico "weirdness" and Hanayo "otakuness for idols" (Yohane'd be otaku for her Chuuni somewhat) 😅
#Team10 as the powerpuff girls
Congrats Shikadai on becoming a Chuunin ^_^
Kommt vorbei, wir streamen ne Runde und zeichnen Rikka aus Chuunibyou!
@KatLaMaat @TheMarceOrosa @RedPandooPanda @ZebitasMartinex @LauYan @amy_u_u @nglmyno @OmarGon89766506 Si, pero tengo un "crush" por chicas c/pelo negro y largo,+ si usan twintails (Videl, no son pigtail😅) o hime cut y letalmente tiernas al ser muy tímidas y asustadizas (Mio-chan), inocentes (Umi, escena del beso en la pelicula romantica) o con Chuuni (Ruri y Yohane).萌大好き!
@houshou_pic_bot Yes, because she's not just a chuuni like zeppelin.
@AzurLane_EN PPS: Are we getting Z36 too? She looks chuuni and I love it.
Today's character reveal from My Days With The Demoness is Hiroto Kadoriki! Hiroto is a reformed otaku...on a surface level. While he's shed some of the stereotype, he still has a rather large case of chuunibyou to an extent.
We just got to the office, so we would to like to wish all the moms out there a Happy Mother's Day before the day ends! :D
We were gonna post pictures of all the mom characters we have, but, umm...we don't have any 8D;;
Sorry, moms! We just really like making "chuuni" games >>
The most me characters I can think of...
@zombiekillerale @Xevlii @cedric_alpha @PrimusVsUnicron I've a crush 4 gothic lolis w/black long hair or shy/chuuni girls w/black hair, so I'll cuddle & head pat her, despite the "consequences" Also, some (IDK if normies plot) consider Moe (萌) as a "plague". If so I'm already infected. Moe-Moe-Kyuuun!
@DerpyNeko Hi, I followed you since you mentioned in a post by Pyro "(that) animu girl, who was looking?" And you replied KURONEKO. I also love Kuro, she's one of my Waifus, she's so cute, specially her Chuuni and despite her trying to look badass she looks uber cute instead 😊
This is going to be the cover of the dark action comic I've been working on involving a chuuni girl who gains the power to enter a mirror dimension into a ruined world where she can summon a sword and
I'm not working on any such comic.