The mysterious tangled forest is a magical place full of creatures and wonder.

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// { B I O P H I L I A } | V 2.0

🌿Inspired on the natural world, biophilic design focuses on our innate need to connect with nature and the outdoors.

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// { B I O P H I L I A } | V 2.0

🌿Through a nature-based approach, biophilic design helps create spaces that feel like places of refuge in which you can relax and rejuvenate.

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// { B I O P H I L I A } | V 2.0

🌿 Drawing on a nature-based approach, biophilic design means creating spaces that feel like places of refuge in which you can relax and rejuvenate.

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// { B I O P H I L I A } | V 2.0

The feeling of being in a wild place, surrounded by numerous different plants and trees.

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