Language idioms taken literally in these hilarious cartoony illustrations

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'The Blind Leading the Blind' by depicts the idiom in which an ignorant person is helped by another ignorant.

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Cuando tu profesora empieza a decir los tipos de lípidos y empiezas a dudar que esté hablando el mismo idioma que tú.

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I forgot to take pictures of it, but I'm selling copies of Illustrated Idioms at MICA's spx table~

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Idiom of the day! A bull in a China shop: A very clumsy and tactless person

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Today's idiom means to be saved by a last minute intervention

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Idiom of the day: Like a Fish Out of Water -to feel completely out of place.

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Eager Beaver: An enthusiastic person who works very hard

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Be chuffed to bits: To be thrilled by something

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