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ARRODILLENSE ANTE EL REY BABOSA!! #dibujodigital #draw #dibujos #DigitalArtist #amongusoc #AmongUs
Amo como o Gillen usa a ação pra contar a história, não apenas entreter. Cada balão foi direto, tenso e poético, como se fosse contado por um Deus... ops, e foi!
Mas quero tirar um tempo só pra aclamar a arte do @ValerioSchiti, simplesmente, um dos melhores artistas na Marvel ❤️
“O planeta está arruinado. Não me deixam opção. Este é seu Dia do Julgamento.”
Hora de falar da edição #2 de V.X.E que saiu essa semana!! A primeira é ótima, mas essa é espetacular!!
A perspectiva humana foi genial. Kieron Gillen é foda, tá claro nesses painéis!
Nota: 1000/10
Buenos días, tamers. Hoy luchan dos pesos pesados(?) Por un lado, el #Digimon caballero sagrado #UlforceVdramonFutureMode. Y por otro, el #Digimon dios malvado #ZeedMillenniumon.
@MunDigitalToday @digimon_tcg_SP @DigimonWorldEsp #DigimonAdventureVtamer #DigimonAdventure2020 #Vpet
🌼🌸✨ Flowers, they're blooming, oh it's beautiful! ✨🌸🌼
Belle: A Million Miles Away
The hold this movie has on me! 😭💖💖
#belle #Bellemovie #MilleniumParade
@Replicantnoir @seanjetravers Nice, ive seen side by sides of the film but talking about how Satoshi Kon was inspired by the pacing an filming of Slaughterhouse 5. Another beautiful brilliant classic.
The end film pacing of his Millennium Actress is every Chris Nolan film.
Buiten het PA HQ kan jij een teleporter vinden om het leuke zomerevent te bezoeken! Veel plezier!
- Zoek de verschillen
- 2 meubi's, 1 woord
- Alle ballen op de goede plek
- Maze/parcour
#Habbo #PApolitie
Have I told y’all yet abt my plans to paint a bouncy ball to look like the Millenium eye so I can play downball with it while cosplaying as Yami Bakura?
I plan to make it so one side looks crusted w blood like it’s just been yanked out of pegasus’ head.
It feels in character.
Using a reverse uno card against panic attacks
#webcomic #webcomics #ComicArt #comic #comicstrip #humor #humour #relatable #millennial #digitalart
@MinPres en de rest van dit rariteitenkabinet willen niet terugkomen van hun reces om in debat te gaan over de grootste financiele nood van 2/3e van de nederlanders. Ze denken er wel over na tijdens hun vakantie in een of ander ver zonnig oord. #RutteStapOp #energierekening
Billenes Sankthansfest, 1894 #artnouveau #kittelsen https://t.co/NyhttaYklz
It's good to see one generation having fun with another. We could learn something from them. #boomer #GenX #Millennials #GenZ 🙂
Broke millennial vs worst job ever!
[The Mortuary Assistant]
Feb 27, 2015. By: clarafoufou
[6 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (EU)
"je crois qu'il faudrait instaler une camera de survéillence pour éviter que max révèille ENCOR groudon."