Lol, thank you for the opportunity!! I've got 26 friends and I'm always happy for more!!
I go by Mr. Jest on here, and I've been freelancing for about a year. I love making cartoons and hope to be able to make comics in the future!

1 1

Postanowiłam spróbować coś na kartce narysować spróbować...
I wyszło!
Jak na lapku nie umiałam, to na kartce mi wyjątkowo w końcu wyszedł...
To nie jest może Ghost, ale jakiś duszek podobny do niego OwO
(Bez zamysłu rysowane i wyszło X3)

(Z edytem na tel i bez UwU)

0 2

Idk why I thought of usin the Elephant villager in particular, but I like it! He jest! (@ roswellrat in chat btw hey chat 🥺👉👈!)

6 25

jest and takemi belong to me, perusepone to , rosid to and leona to whoever the hell dares, i Suppose

4 13

jest and rook are childhood friends so i thought itd be cute if he did her makeup sometimes... his eyeliner game strong and stuff

6 6

My dude said that Laz is a slavic hooligan, randomly killin people on the streets.
So now she is.


3 15

I need to do some touch ups on certain characters like, Lust and a few of the other students, expect the Jest, his gay ass can stay hot ass pink baby

1 2

Trochę messy pierdoła, ale po prostu chciałam zrobić ten art 🥺

(Skyler się wykazał chociaż w tej jednej rzeczy, w której jest dobry)

0 10

"Jester? I am not one to jest, so it does not suit me." Boudica merely shakes her head at his words finding them to ultimately be silly at best. "The fact you can speak like this is... Satisfactory in its own strange way. If you have no more troubles I will take my leave now."

0 0

Dzień dobry wszystkim. Nawet Tsubasa jest za Wisłą więc nie płaczcie kibice innych klubów o nasze wyniki. Nas nawet Covid nie pokona bo póki my żyjemy żyje ona 💪😉

6 72

Hey everybody, I go by Mr. Jest! Small intro, I'm a freelance Artist who's recently been trying to make friends and gain support for when I try and go into comics.

If you ever wanna chat, I am readyyyy!!

1 4

Tęskniłam za rysowaniem chłopców uwu
jest taki hot, że aż mi przegrzało kompa i się wyłączył, musiałam ratować ze screena xD

0 16

Thank you, and I'm so happy for your success!! I go by Mr. Jest, and I'm a freelance Artist kinda just looking to have more art companions!

1 2

Thank you! I go by Mr. Jest and have a whopping 21 followers! I love drawing cartoons and aspire to be a comic artist.

0 0

Thank you so much!! My name is Mr. Jest and I love being able to express myself through art. Reach out if you wanna chat. Ask about my comics though and you'll never hear the end of it

1 1

I'll be here every week then! I go by Mr. Jest and I'll hoping to make some art friends!

0 1

Thank you so much! I go by Mr. Jest here, and I've been freelancing for a while. Hoping to just get a bit of a name and make some friends!

0 0

Parę miłych osób zmotywowało mnie żebym skończyła ten rysunek i powstało to 🥺🖤
Mam nadzieję, że nie jest aż taki zły eh

5 59

Thank you so much! Lemme hop in here.
Mr Jest, been doing freelance and OC's, and trying to make ART BUDDIES!
100% open for art trades btw

1 2

Ayy!!! Hey guys, I go by Mr. Jest. Been freelancing for like a year, and just recently started ACTUALLY trying to expand my social media. Hope you like!

1 4