画質 高画質

If i can i'll draw them everyday....

2 12

[ 08/27 ]
Today's the birthday of Mizuki Akiyama from Project Sekai: Colorful Stage! Happy Birthday!

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Happy birthday to Akiyama Mizuki!

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[ハーミット・リバース Reverse Hermit] Akiyama Mizuki(暎山瑞希)

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[メイキング・ウィズ・チルドレン Making Chocolates With Children] Akiyama Mizuki(暎山瑞希)

10 33

Hoy es el día en que Akiyama Mizuki nació, ¿quién es? Es quien creó todo el universo, creó la luz y la separó de las tinieblas, fue quien separó el agua de las aguas y así creo los cielos, fue quien etc

bueno, hoy admin 🍨 hará sorteo por su cumpleaños!! para entrar miren abajo

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people who celebrate fictional characters birthdays are annoying pass it on FUCK this post and happy birthday mizuki akiyama

14 25

💜🪷🌸 Project C - Lilac Sunset 🌸🪷💜

Lilac Sunset is the third of my four story projects.

This collage features Lilac Sunset's two lead protagonists - Kasumi & Eiko Akiyama

(Kasumi top, Eiko bottom)




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[譲れないこだわり Uncompromising Obsession] Akiyama Mizuki(暎山瑞希)

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[気づいてしまった想い Feelings That I've Come to Realize] Akiyama Mizuki(暎山瑞希)

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Happy birthday to Nightcord at 25:00's energetic, carefree and mature MV creator who is a big fan of cute things, Mizuki Akiyama!

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[勇気をくれたもの What Gave Me Courage] Akiyama Mizuki(暎山瑞希)

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[屋上のフレンドシップ Friendship Found on the Rooftop] Akiyama Mizuki(暎山瑞希)

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08/7 暁山 瑞希 : Akiyama mizuki

- ホウセンカ Housenka / Balsam
- ユウガオ Yuugao / Bottle gourd
- ヒペリカム Hypericum

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<新しいカード New Card(JP)>

Akiyama Mizuki(暎山瑞希) Birthday 🎀

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Akiyama Mizuki [Happy Birthday!!]🎀with teeth! 🎨

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