Judge Claude Frollo: For murder, attempted murder, child abuse, abuse of a dependent, attempted rape, larceny and attempted genocide.

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So i see people are still doing
Add this cat while you at it, he clawed a 10 year old and 2 16 year olds for 25 years.

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this whore dr cain discovered a revolutionary robot and decided to clone it to create a robot civilization without any laws aside "be bad and we destroy you" and didnt think that through so now the world is in shambles.

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Yes folks, this asshole right here

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these guys steal children and eat them

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Hong Kong Phooey appropriated Chinese culture and also promoted Chinese stereotypes. He also promoted slave labour because he let his faithful cat 'Spot' do all the hard work.

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Cancel this guy, and also his creator too.

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Boris the Teeth Guy would totally be an easy target.

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he probably killed an old lady and got his fairy fuckers to give her life in prison

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