Да, я слаб и не смог пройти мимо прекрасной Мегиры *слезы слез*

0 11

Ice ice babies
Emma belongs to me
Eironn and Ira belong to Lilith games

1 5

Grabbed Rowan during the new event! He's a great addition to my Lightbearer team, but he sure does keep Henrik busy!

1 13

Since some people seem to think that because I ship my OC with Niru means I don't 100% support his marriage.

"I believe back then it was 'til death do us part'... I think it's time we renewed our vows, my love..."

5 10

I got Rowan today and it made me so happy, hes the cutest.

2 5

On finit sur Lycaa from for (sry its frenglish hehe) voilà bonne nuit xoxo

1 1

It's "hony posting" o'clock
Thank you Golus for being so gorgeous

0 4

Talk about a bad day. Have a Baden that helped me feel a lot better after it all.

1 9

Two of my fav. Since I have power, I drew them together for no other reason than my personal satisfaction.

4 22

I spent too long on this but I'm just Like That. My OC Garion and Niru were my last subjects on the stream. Thanks to those who came!

3 9

More gay rogues for all your AFGay Arena needs

0 6

He's pretty cool to draw tbh also I'm in love with him sooo

3 5

ผช เกมนี้มันดีเกินไป... /ทำไมผมต้องบ้า ผช ขนาดนี้

ID: 5292651

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Emmer ID: 12734161 Server: S123

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