Just got CSP, so tried to doodle in it for the first time

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testing csp, @ asksynchroduskmane on tungle

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first real drawing on CSP, it me again...

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Un test avec l'outil animation de CSP, je gère pas encore les paramètres x)

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Did this last night. Spent a couple of hours playing around with CSP, just testing out some of the other tools. Not a finished piece by any stretch of the imagination and nothing I'd ever put out in public but because to this morning's announcement...

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Process from the original sketch to what a finished frame looks like. Besides the mouth and blinking, there's a slight movement to her chin when her mouth opens - but that's about it. Frames were rendered in CSP, then imported to GIMP for sequencing and saved as a gif animation.

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i tried 1 layer in csp, t'was difficult

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Trying to make something out of CSP, I'm not used to using it so this is what I can do for now.

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Nom nom C:
Quick sketch to try out CSP, I bought it a few days ago and it's pretty awesome!

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got CSP, decided to mess around with it

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Well I guess this was the final test for CSP, I managed to ink digitally this sketch of Emma Frost WITHOUT ZOOMING A SINGLE PIXEL. Keeping the same size of the actual paper I draw on was something I could never do with PS, not with this results

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初次试CSP,另外,我的surface pro4没有压感好难受!!!

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try using CSP, fail miserably because the lag and stuttering. so half of the progress is back using SAI again

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Commission for
I did this 100% in CSP, a salute to myself for finally doing this 😭

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"Say 'ah' Todoroki-kun!"
what better way to celebrate count shoutola than drawing him in csp, im still getting used to the program tho..

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still getting used to CSP, not sure how much I like this inking pen but i'll use it for the rest of this

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8) 2014 / 2015 / 2016 ........ basically i took a yr to understand csp, and a year to learn cellshading lol

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I wanted to try out animation in csp, the file got corrupted before I could fix the timing. Oh well

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Messing around to see if I can get a lineart setting I like in CSP, cleaned up a sketch of some creepy swamp dwelling cat lady

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