Cable from Deadpool by Piyapong Yusi using zbrush, keyshot, photoshop

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Overwatch Widowmaker by Anton Hardin using photoshop, keyshot, zbrush

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Little Mermaid by Esther Didini James and Loish using zbrush

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Arnold Schwarzenegger In the 70's by Prakashan Cheruvalli

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Wind by Luoqi Sheng using zbrush and substance painter

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Girl Macarena by Rita Sharp using maya, zbrush, arnold, yeti

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Mother and Child Isles was one of my favorite parts of any Zelda game- so i had to give drawing it a try.

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E aee galera! Meu nome é João Pedro Miranda e eu faço fanarts de animes e mangás e também produzo conteúdos originais! Tenho uma páginas no Instagram, no Facebook e um canal no Youtube! Basta procurar por JPMIRANDAART em todas elas. Valeu!

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