quick scribble of one of my digifakes from the other night

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Ça fait un moment que j'avais envie de tenter de faire des fakescreenshot du coup voilà voilà~

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I noticed that I drew Naeshima like. Once.
Awakened Hinata's being a d to Naeshima because who needs these fakes anyway.

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Parfois, cela me démange d'agir ainsi contre ces médias-fossiles (média-bidons, média-fakes, médias-propagandes...) !
OSONS innover & agir !

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Beware of the Genuine Fakes! Stay woke! is warning us!#FashionIllustration of 's embroidered gown.

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*Tries first win against IA again*
Result: 2 fakes, 1 toxic, 1 russian.
*Will continue watching esport and fanart instead of playing* 😑

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sorry for the blur my camera doesn't focus on the fakes

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is code for "no evidence." already and Hillary hasn't produced any fakes because there aren't any.

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On TOS episode 26 of Season 2; Kirk and Spock are chased by Darth Vader in an alternate dimension

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The USS Enterprise had no bathrooms...

16 30

Say Hello to Alexander Black, a wizarding fool who charms ladies & fakes his death

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