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It’s not gay if it’s a #trap! And there’s no trap cuter than #Astolfo #RiderofBlack from #FateGrandOrder, the cutest #crossdressing #kouhai in #anime history! Check out this new doujin manga today on #DLsite! https://t.co/xmLVlcYaU9
After an entire year, we can finally post our full artworks for @FGOzine !!
Featuring our dearest kouhai, #mashukyrielite from #fgo ! I'll slowly post the other pieces I did for the zine at a later time. ^o^
#FateGrandOrder #zine
Mashu Mashup! The Kouhai's Strike Back! #FGO https://t.co/nJJR3PL6Oa
[ Read My Handwriting, Senpai! ]
Dumb AU based on Hosuh, Pau, and Rei bullying me in Tetris Friends
3 kouhais meet a very special senpai, but what happens when they can't read your letters!? The comedy manga that'll never be published #Danplan
One smug kouhai for fellow Masters who are still doing CCC event. #FGO https://t.co/gm8j7WX8cQ
"I'm your number one kouhai, right? Se-n-pa-i" #FGO https://t.co/DLokYCa2nV
I've been dissatisfied with FEH lately, so I've been on an FGO binge. I finished the story in time for the event, so if anyone wants to use my Melt or Lip for it, friend me! I'm totally not trying to mooch off of your strong Servants, no siree. Mash best kouhai.
FC: 025,682,535
@Emy_irl Cute Kouhais? You mean two gremlins trying their best to survive...
Please save these idiots.
SCREAMS They're all so cute sobs
@Xian_Han6 yeah well you know who else is cute? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) two cute kouhais
i rly love fan and idol ships (in this case it's senpai x kouhai too) theyre so cute tamarui nation rise
To the best and cutest kouhai who is one of my all-time favourites...
Looking forward to seeing her again in S3!! 💕