*Huff huff* Need to crack my brain where to put shadowing, totally not used to color stuff ;A; but but but, that means more room to improve, nee? FAITOO!!

---Arisa-sama on a Mahou Shoujo (ft. Ayano Tateyama) model fanart---

Gambarre Arisa Nee-chan

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Holy flipping heck! Remember this tweet where I drew Green's face on a piece of wood? It was foreshadowing for Green's arm.

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this is foreshadowing levi and mikasa gonna kill eren /j

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my foreshadowing skills are fucking incredible

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's Pavel was held in that Rear Chokehold, But he really didn't expect the Bird to just steal his size. Inch by inch of pleasure filled theft went on, and Vic ended up shadowing the lil guy

Art by

11 58

Front art of Ch.107 is foreshadowing!!

Look at Mahito and Nobara.

Mahito is staring at Nobara.
And he's trying to do something.

He's already trying to kill her here!!
The impression I get from this art is completely different than before...😱

2 67

Belajar shadowing susah huhu😭
Udah lama juga ga belajar coloring jadi kurang gimana gituu. Masi mau di lanjut lagi kalo ada waktu + mood hahaha

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I am just so happy with how these 2 turned out! I really want to draw their story now! My secondary characters gonna end up overshadowing my main cast!

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Il y a 27 ans tout pile, le manga Détective Conan commençait son histoire immense et passionnante rempli de mystères, suspens, développement, foreshadowings et il est bientôt sur le point d’apporter les derniers chapitres de son 100e tome ! 💯

16 37

Fun fact, in one of the earliest episodes you can actually see her Parents as BG characters. Talk about great forshadowing. BTW you should totally do a video on Futurama man.

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Hmm I wonder if this could be foreshadowing things

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By the 17th century, pretzels symbolized undying love.

Is this a foreshadowing of Thanatos and Daphne’s relationship?
If so, is this telling us that Thanatos’ love for Daphne “will never die”?

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ken, the funny image comics crossover is NOT the time to do knuckles foreshadowing

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not thiz pic of mahiru foreshadowing how she waz in a birdcage for the mv ((((look at her earringz))))

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it DID just get a new V card in the tcg soooooooo
foreshadowing? Perhaps

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Testing brushes, skin colour, and shadowing

Stylist (again)

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These are so pretty 🥺 gotta say I’m a bit concerned of why he’s been looking so young... is this foreshadowing?? ;w;

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Here is a practice with the gray scale type of shadowing process, I did a german riflewaifu haha and I think like how it ended up the illustration

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HOPEFULLY THIS PART FROM CHAPTER 73 WILL ENDED UP FORESHADOWING INTO THIS IN FUTURE CHAPTERS!!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

3 43

Hohohooooh shoot, she hit him with the Batgirl AND the Question Annual 1988. Dayum.

Kinda wish her first words of the movie had been something else but sweet fight scene with a solid bit of foreshadowing at the end.

Also, Jade, APOLOGIZE.

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