Git yer pekkin' tailfeathers outta me lab!!
I'll blow yer beak ter smithereens!!

2 10 More Bswaps- Donovan and Luan! I call em Lup and Darien, respectively

5 17

he was a skater boy, she said raise me an invincible order of 8 knights

8 17

Oh hey, it's February, I can post these now. I made some Shovel Knight Valentine's Day cards 'cause it's been a while since I've made any. Feel free to print these out and use 'em, just don't repost/do uncool stuff with 'em (1/2)

59 197

"What are you looking at? Keep scrolling..."

38 74


104 396


71 296

Did some stuff in appreciation for Expect a sketch for King Knight later down the line!
Thank you, for a wonderful experience! It's always fun playing through it again and again!

54 346

Oh hey, I just realized I finished another set of four pins

6 20

MERRY CRISIS I finished another 4 pins
We're over halfway there :'^

8 28

Discord emote of Propeller and his cocky catchphrase

15 28

"If I'm dead, how come the kiss of death killed me?"

16 40