Face of the Day; Esme. A barmaid in a heavily guarded town, who has a bit of a secret...

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Pacand criançayaya. 🌿❄️

(o RPG nem começou e já estou boiola pelo meu próprio personagem, aguardem mais desenhos kk)

1 13

Quise hacerlo por curiosam 😎

Una suiti y una d mi 😳

C me chiSpotio y no guarde el link jajapendejayo?si

0 1

Did You Know: The Akatosh Chantry had guarded groves to safeguard the dragons that lived under their care? At least one such grove survived until 3E 405.

18 180

Meet Boran! The first solid character in a story I want to tell soon.

This dragon protects something precious, something that must be guarded and hidden. And to do that he must be keep a storm moving and churning 24/7. No one enters this place, nor leaves.

35 123

STAGE 3 GRASS STARTER - Quiliceros (Grass/Fairy)

Quilin + Megaloceros + The Last Unicorn

A very secretive Pokemon. They say that a forest that remains lush and difficult to navigate is being guarded by a sole Quiliceros.

653 3167

de 1909 va néixer l'arquitecte paisatgista brasiler Roberto Marx. Passà el 1928 a Alemanya, on conegué les avantguardes europees. Tornat al Brasil estudià belles arts i en modernitzà el paisatgisme dissenyant i jardins com si fossin art abstracte.

68 238

Aca lo guarde ya en modo JPG, que lo haces mediante "Guardar como". Ya abierto en modo JPG, creo otra capa en modo luminosidad para agregar unas luces a la figura de bokuto y kuroo y con otra capa en multiplicar agrego un poco de sombras alrededor

0 6

Quiero que sepas que jamás te abandonaré eres como una hermana para mí pasé lo que pase estaré para ti sea como sea. Quiero que siempre te guardes eso en mente que eres una personita muy especial y única. Nunca te abandonaré, siempre estaré para ti sea lo que sea. Quiero que te

18 173

Since I can't think of anything else to draw at the moment I'm just gonna keep Doing Paper Donkey Kong, with these next 2 being Enguarde, and Kiddy Kong (Kiddy Kong requested by )

10 49

LEGO Super Mario on Amazon: https://t.co/sO6aCkWZBK

Starter Course: https://t.co/yryqlOrVdH
Guarded Fortress Expansion Set: https://t.co/Lz9vnoIMWU
Thwomp Drop Expansion Set: https://t.co/5zqCbWe5gE

8 39

pra quem não tá ligado, as 5 faixas do EP DECOLAR já estão disponíveis nas plataformas digitais!!
esse trampo tá simplesmente perfeito, satisfação demais poder participar disso, e estar junto com um time brabo
só aguardem que o melhor ainda está por vir...
☁️☁️ ☁️☁️

4 22

Und da sind wir schon bei Pkmn Gen3 Favos: erstmal liebe ich diese Gen und sie hat unglaublich viele Pkmn die ich mag, schwer sich da zu entscheiden(Lohgock, Fiffyen, Flunkifer, Tohaido, Tuska, die neuen Geister...)Aber ich glaube ich wähle ganz knapp Guardevoir zum Favo xD

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I'm normally pretty guarded about sketches, but I figured I'd post some up for anyone interested.

Ichor on his Throne [WIP] https://t.co/7iTh5Nnvnp

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Asphreaxia guarded a friend from a hit that shattered its helmet, leaving it to the waves. Despite this, its attitude has lightened from its last stage. It uses its new spirit abilities to pull elaborate pranks. Its limbs fell apart underwater, so it now uses seaweed as its arms.

0 4


io continuo a pensare a te
non ti scrivo
d’improvviso guardo il cielo
quella nuvola di passaggio
e forse tu nel tuo lungomare
guarderai una nuvola
e quella è la mia lettera
qualcosa che scorre indecifrabile

•●• Julio Cortázar

20 60

Hace 3 años, el 29 de Julio de 2017, se estrenaron los episodios "4x01 - El Chico de la Guardería" y "4x02 - Conoce a tu Fusión" en Boing.

El episodio 4x01 es un gran homenaje a la clásica serie de dibujos animados "El Coyote y el Correcaminos".

6 24

Day 3: Family Time

Family are those who you are comfortable enough to sleep completely unguarded with, knowing they would take care of you while you're vulnerable.

19 63

bueno, ayer me estaba poniendo a dibujar cuando Bionick y Blade se murieron, y aaaaaaaaaaaa

en fin...

-"hey, chicos, ¡TOP 10! vengan, guardemos el momento..."- *augus.


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