Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana for PS4, PS Vita, and PC coming west in 2017 https://t.co/Kopi8sROEz

164 232

넥스트플로어가 만든 사단을 품었습니다. 신작 <베리드 어 라이브>는 최근 핫한 서바이벌 오디션과 SNS을 소재로 삼았는데, 모바일이 아니라 비타) 타이틀입니다!! https://t.co/zucFwqY0P9

591 85

The Best version Sengoku Musou 4-II release on Feb.9 in on and https://t.co/dAHaKU8v1G

0 0

Warm up sketch for today. 's Shantae:1/2 Genie Hero Launches on Vita, Wiiu, Ps4, and Xbone. So thought'd I'd sketch'em all.

34 191

In celebration of SamShoVI release on PS4, our friends at are giving away a few codes at WNF! Best meme wins!

20 44

Relax at home and save big on a ton of Capcom titles on PS4, 3DS, and PC: https://t.co/XrCUTjSQIa

24 51

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Análisis para PS4, PC y Xbox One vía https://t.co/BqjshixYW5

1 0

시티즌 오브 어스-싸워라! 부통령과 40명의 시민들!
일본PS4, PSV버전 금일 발매합니다.
40명의 시민과 동료가 되어 대통령을 목표로 싸우는 RPG!
카툰스타일의 개성 풍부한 시민들과 같이 코믹한 스토리를 즐겨 보아요.

1 1

[#ROTTR] Si vous commencez Rise of the Tomb Raider sur PS4, n'oubliez pas que mes conseils sont là pour vous! https://t.co/76HSKaFkjX

3 6

'푸른 혁명의 발큐리아', 한국어화 발매 결정
PS4, PSVita 플랫폼 예정

0 0

Assassin’s Creed : une compilation HD sur PS4, Xbox One et PC https://t.co/BFoxqAVOHI

1 0

Nights of Azure 2 announced for PS4, PS Vita https://t.co/XtTQpWTQRn

73 72

RUMORS: “Assassin's Creed Ezio Collection" for PS4, XB1 rated by Korean Game Rating Board


30 35

We're excited to reveal we're publishing 's Shantae: Half-Genie Hero physically on PS4, PSVita & Wii U!

532 949

BlazBlue: Central Fiction coming to PS4, PS3 https://t.co/x45LHU25HU

97 53

Arcade Land, el juego de Koth Studio para PS4, estrena página web: https://t.co/u0ub3OcVVe

6 8

To celebrate today’s launch of NOT A HERO on PS4, here is and accidentally dodging a ninja!

68 121

"Ninja Senki DX" by will be released on Feb 2016 (PC, PS4, PSVita)

17 35

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth PS4, PS Vita Game Dated for February 2 in the Americas: DLC… http://t.co/B7fctu1n9o

1 1