画質 高画質

why do they always make them look like Boruto and Sarada are their kids

1 35

Boruto and Sarada looking cute on merchs 💖

104 726

sarada throwing a shuriken

55 495

Ficou tão fofinha que dá vontade de morder! , muito obrigada! Ficou perfeito, do jeitinho que eu queria e os olhos... Ah, os olhinhos brilhantes, fico sem palavras pra dizer o quanto eu amei🥰

E a 🌸 ali no quantinho, é um amorzinho 💕

13 59

Sarada Uchiha: ladranzinha de jabuticabas 🥗

85 321

POV: A Sarada le gustan los besos de Boruto, pero NO en la oficina del Hokage😅🤗

18 115

“Boruto?” Sarada can’t believe her own eyes. “Boruto, is that really you?” She places a hand on his shoulder, hope blooming in her chest. “I can’t believe it, you’re—“

“—who are you?” He asks, brows drawn together.

45 241

"A pure blue eye looking at the blue sky from the deep dark blue ocean".

13 120

The writers doing a good development 👏 👌
wanting to stop Borushiki 👀

There sure is something she NEEDS TO UNDERSTAND in order to be the one to believe, trust, encourage & save in his dark times in TS.
The drama is needed to STRENGTHEN their bond 💯

9 79

Mais uma da Sarada no Time Skip. ☕️🔥

55 424