New Here at FM HQ, we don’t shy away from literal shitstorms 💩💩

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うーんまあいまメインPCつかえないのであれこれできねえでしゃーねえので iPadProのPaintstormでどんくらい描けるもんかねをやったりはしてたんだけど

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Robin, digital painting with software.
Don't forget that you can...

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New single coming in 2 Days...are you ready for a Preorder on iTunes NOW! 🌩

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While it is s little slow for me, paintstorm is pretty cool to go crazy with...things (maybe new icon,who knows)

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Testing new Paintstorm Studio brushes and I love them!

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Paintstorm Studio Lite | デスクトップと同等の機能が使える高機能ペイントアプリに無料版が登場 - iPad Creator

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just some quick warm-up pic done in Paintstorm Studio :). Been too busy lately! Aaaah!

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Paintstorm 1.53 アップデート | タッチ操作でキャンバスを自在に回転。パース定規の追加など機能を解説 - iPad Creator

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tweetstorm still on going - E. coli illustration by

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Sorry we're late to the Tweetstorm, but want to share some recent work. Blood supply of spinal cord.

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Remote control of mouse brains with light and chemicals. Anyone else thinking of "Strange Brew"? tweetstorm

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