Time to see how this works. What up fam?!

33 275

Say hello to Ape#3233! Flawless pedigree; purchased from and minted by no less than . No wonder this bored fella sports a big fat grin!

Where’s my fellow apes?

1 10

Decided to update my profile picture from an old game called (bring it back Rada!!) to my Ape 5060 (The only one I kept).

May switch it back to the DR self portrait later on, but I'm digging the Double Vietnam trait Ape atm!

1 10


My girl just joined the yacht club!!!

Can we greet her with a warm welcome fam and tell her how good that profile pic looks???

6 52

Want an ape but can't afford it? Ill be giving away to one of my followers once we reach 1000 followers:
like--> retweet --> Follow --> win ape

more details to come... may even be more than one ape who knows??

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