Pinks was actually my first Aromantic genderfluid oc, and my third ever oc.

I made him when I was like 8 and I knew I wanted a character that could shape-shift/change gender, and that didn’t have any romantic interests, I just didn’t have the vocabulary for it.
he/him for him rn

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During our walk Missile’s poop was shaped like the artwork for Tubular Bells. Proud.

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Chelsea is constantly expanding our worldviews with her endless visual-technical vocabulary, and the mystifying procedural visual experiences she creates. Follow her

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"Foxes in a Bakery"

Commission for

Seth and B Foxy having a a nice chat and indulging on sweets.. it's their favorite pastime!

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Chevalier Margot Le Reroute, Parking Constabulary, and Nimora of Stokk, Raiding & Pillaging Corps.

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2 May 1636: Thomas Howard 2nd Earl of Arundel arrives at There he recruits Wenceslaus Hollar (BM) They arrive in in December. Hollar’s many images make up a large part of our visual vocabulary of early modern Britain & Ireland

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I'm incredibly bummed out how after all these years, there hasn't been a single Mizuno or Suetsugu-inspired artist that would draw Z series Zero in the X series artstyle. Can you imagine this twink with tubular arms and 90's anime eyes 😭

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虫武少女-Hexarthrius mandibularis sumatranus

Hexarthrius mandibularis sumatranus (Mizunuma, 1994)


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Pretty fat~ blobular. Thanks for the opportunity

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‘Tubular Bells’ design might have been inspired by Jeff Koons’ stainless steel sculpture called ‘Balloon Dog’.

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Tried to inprive my handwriting. It sucks, my grammar and vocabulary too. Don't you think? But here's the first comic page of New Humanity.

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おはようございます~👍朝はMike OldfieldのTubular Bellsを聴きながら仕事頑張っていきます~♪この曲はハードリピートしてる曲で大好きな曲です♪エクソシストの曲で有名なのかもですが、怖いイメージとか本当に無いくらい綺麗な曲です♪

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que invita a enriquecer el vocabulario:
¿Cómo se llama esa particular carraca de la viñeta de ?


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👩🏻‍🏫💬 “Fancy” can be an adjective, verb, or noun:

Fancy (adj.) = not plain

Fancy (v.) = to like; to imagine

Fancy (n.) = liking; craving; bop by

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Here are some submissions from this year during virtual learning.

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“Thence” isn’t a fancy way of saying “then.” 🙅🏻‍♀️

Thence = from that place; from there:

Jo’s pal drove to L.A.; *thence* he flew to Tokyo. 🛫🗼

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A PART = one part

Hard work 💪💦 is *a part* of success. 🏆🏋️

APART = away from each other; separately

As the late Ian Curtis said, “Love will tear us *apart* again.” 🎵

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Goggle = protective eyewear

Gargle = (v.) rinse one’s mouth and throat with mouthwash; (n.) mouthwash

Googol = 1 followed by 100 zeros

Google = you know what it is 😉

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Eke (out) = (v.) manage with difficulty

Eek = (n.) an exclamation that shows arm, horror, or surprise

Jo: I know someone who *ekes* out a living by growing venomous snakes. 🐍
Me: *Eek*! 😱💬‼️

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