Zygolophodon goes to the dentist for a cleaning, first time since the Miocene - luckily no root canals!

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Pleistocene hippo jaw from Barrington UK. Imagine if we didn't know what hippos looked like when alive.

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Generations of ichthyosaurs in this historical (earlier) interpretation (painting) by Heinrich Harder.

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Is Sumerian figurine from Iraq evidence for late survival of Sivatherium? Figure has complex antlers.

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CT scan of a skull of the terror bird Andalgalornis steulleti http://t.co/HK9SJaJUwP

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Skull (over 70 cm) of phorusrhacid Kelenken from Argentina, described by Bertelli et al. 2007.

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Tail vertebrae from Neovenator. Fused together with mass of pathological bone.

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505 million yr old Middle Cambrian Anomalocaridids include Opabinia regalis.

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- A panel of a sneaky Tyrannosaur from an upcoming project.

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A new and amazingly complete species of Terror bird! Meet Llallawavis scagliali http://t.co/AJ8TSFXqHa

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Be sure to party like Dapper Dinofelis tonight! Not just Friday night, night. http://t.co/KwpWm9uMau

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Help publish my book which celebrates animals famous + obscure. http://t.co/n12eNG1jFt

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They found the 1st Helicoprion fossil quite a while ago & have been trying to figure it out ever since.

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Beautiful drawing of a cave bear (Ursus spelaeus) skull with the distinctive elongated last molar

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We've been doing some archival work for including going through W. F. Holroyd's illustrated notes.

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