I've been busy... but here's another character template for Young Gods!

Amanda, the fakest person you'll ever meet.

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Fakescreenshot commission para Darckon no facebook!

Falando em facebook, agora eu tenho uma págia!!!111 Quem puder deixar o like para me ajudar, serão bem vindos <3


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Pregunté por PokéAmino que starter de los 2 restantes querían ver primero, así que...

Presento al pequeño starter de planta...

¡Bereaf! Basado en un oso de anteojos ^^

Espero y sea de su agrado ^^

(Sí, otro rediseño de unos de mis viejos fakes 😅)

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Fake Screen
Escena inspirada en el juego de Castlevania N64
Scene inspired by the Castlevania N64 game
Min: 3:50

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The most fakest type of bitches are the bitches who say "I never judge from looks I only judge from personality and talent 🤮🤮" .
Ok bitch well aren't you the special one.

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Alice in Wonderland digifakes? Overdone??? Maybe????? Do I care? No????????

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Estão atacando o senhor Nilson. Criando várias mentiras e fakes para ataca-lo unicamente porque ele votou no Bolsonaro ?????? Esse senhor é sozinho e sofre de depressão. Um posicionamento político errado não dá a liberdade de fazer da vida desse senhor um inferno.

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本日「SHORT PIECE」を追加しました。FAKEとGURI+GURAの二本立て。よろしくお願いします。

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There are so many Ward Kimball fakes (not to mention other Disney fakes) floating around nowadays. More fakes than actual originals in fact. And many are being sold by "reputable" auction sites. Do your homework and don't get swindled. Here's a couple more obvious fakes.

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"Deep fakes can lead to the end of the world"

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Everyone seemed to like the last Fakes I did so much I thought I'd do my next lot. Might tweak Angoroast in the future (and think of a better name) but I'm really happy with the other two :)

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Long time no Digifakes, haha

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