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Piigvember Day 5: Nugget was a fierce warrior, ie, she bit people a lot.

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Piigvember day 3: I used to keep a box of receipts. Banzai loved to get in the box and shred them.

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30-day Guinea Pig drawing challenge (Piigvember) day 2: Apollo was an absolute unit of a guinea pig, and easily the sweetest piig I ever knew.

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Hey Hope you're having a wheekly wonderful Sunday! Check out these 🦇 🎃 spooky stickies I made! 🐹 🎃 🦇 https://t.co/vNTwnV3zOZ

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<3 Guinea good afternoon everyone! So since the exciting launch of the magical and friends we've raised £180 towards our funding goal to make this book! Thank you so so much to everyone whose ordered one so far I could squishy hug everyone of you!

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During reprint reprints, rarely hit the pattern!

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❤️ 🐹 For those who missed it yesterday the magical guineapig and friends colouring book is available to pre-order! 🐹 ❤️ Katie x https://t.co/vNTwnV3zOZ

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I'm working on a GIF that features a guinea pig. Here are some rejected designs that I stumbled upon along the way as I animate this thing...

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