Thanks for hosting 😊

My name is Leonard and I'm an fantasy artist from Austria. I'm influenced by fantasy, pop culture and spirituality.

You can find more of my work at:

4 19

Special for

We do live in dual worlds, in a way. It's hard to relax with this world as-it-is, but not so in the Isn't-Matter-World

Have a read, and take it easy

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If you are missing festivals, this stunning print by award winner James Roper is a must. “Burner” is a dedication to the Burning Man Festival. We love the spirituality of this beautiful image. The print is large, so it’s a real showpiece 💙

5 7

Hey. My name is Leonard and I'm an fantasy artist from Austria. I'm influenced by fantasy, pop culture and spirituality.

7 19

plunged into the to work a and he emerged as a god of transcendence over death who became famous as a worker of Take the plunge yourself into the depths of through Art by .

3 6

How can you prove Can & be proved by & the fundamental field of Is it a spiritual
"The Neuroscientists' Map of Heaven"

0 1

Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak. Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

Wolf-Animals-Meditation-Zen-Buddhism / Buy Now🛒

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A "highly recommended" read from @ WBooneHedgepeth.

'Hedgepeth is a skilled writer....his work draws you in, then takes you on a ride that you're not soon to forget.'

spirituality supernatural books ebooks giftideas
ASMSG IARTG Christianity

6 6

Creating Your Landscape with Karma, Intention, and Ego

Does the future arise unpredictably out of nothingness, like the past suddenly popping up out of nowhere (like a whack-a-mole)?

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My name is Leonard and I'm a freelance artist from Austria. I'm influenced by fantasy, table top RPGs and spirituality.

My homepage:


Buy me a coffee:

9 35

Hello I'm a South+Southeast Asian artist, writer & energy worker. My range of work is multi-disciplinary & multi-dimensional centering themes of self-love, healing, and compassionate spirituality 💫🌹🌈

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💮I want to say💮
🕊thank you so much🕊
🌷for sharing all those🌷
⚘~~thoughts of love,💗
🦋hope and spirituality🦋
💐I really needed that.💐
I believe these~°•🐬
🧸are essential🧸
🔮to those of us🔮
✨in touch with✨
🎇our souls🎇

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When you join a Communion with the Divine, life begins to flow in the direction of your preferences.
# Spirituality

Recreate your life as a new work of art.

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My name is Leonard and I'm a freelance artist from Austria. I'm influenced by fantasy, table top RPGs and spirituality.

My homepage:


Buy me a coffee:

13 55

Hello! I make trippy prints based on spirituality! I have art prints in my shop! 💚💚💚

4 5

Hello! My name is mallory and I’m an illustrator who likes to work with spirituality and surrealism!

1 3

Tips for Happiness

from How to Survive Life (and Death)—an excerpt: one of three suggestions guaranteed to help you find

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Are you trapped in a bubble of painful delusion?

...that makes you feel anxious and isolated? Time to get perspective from outside of the bubble!

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