quick fire family while squirrelflight is still (I totally didn’t cry while drawing this)

18 70

i wish the erins had expored dustpelt and squirrelflights mentor-apprentice relationship more

77 362

A Squirrelflight for 's ! She's very near and dear to my heart, so I had to make something, even if I'm posting late... She was one of a Very Specific Subset of "Tomboy" characters I related to as a kid, and I was So upset back when people hated her bc of Ashfur

7 21

Had to redo this picture of Squirrelflight due to a file corruption! She's such a confident kitty, what a great sister

9 26

A bit late but here’s Squirrelflight for ’s !

8 22

ive never painted before so obviously why not start now a squirrelflight for jazzhands

8 27

Just a simple squirrelflight for I've been working on a family tree considering all the firestar family cats that've been popping up-- so here's squirrel's design on it!
Please don't tell about my dark ginger crimes

4 20

It's ya girl Squirrelflight I made her look a lot like my Firestar except for 3 red paws 1 white paw a bushyier tail and overall more red. I also tried a lineless style it was going to be a painting but I liked this more

5 24

Love is stored in the Squirrelflight

15 79

I redesigned for All I did was floof up her tail and make her legs a little shorter! ^^

4 18

Last minute Squirrelflight for warriorsoftheweek. Such a great girl.

4 28

Wow, finally drew Squirrelflight for !! (ignore that it took the entire week to get around to it, shhh) using both my designs for her from my currently open MAPs!!

8 9

Squirrelflight ma sassy girl!!

6 34

squirrelflight for 🌱✨

10 72

Squirrelflight for

I would have done this sooner but I had zero motivation and I wanted to finish It tonight so I forced myself to.

2 12

Happy dad day!

Featuring the for Squirrelflight and her dad! Or, seen here, Squirrelkit 💜💜💜

29 169

crossing my fingers i can paint the next one
a sketchy squirrelflight for

3 11

WHATS THIS?? FOUR CATS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE??!! here’s squirrelflight + fam for i had a lot of fun, it’s the first time i really tried to make a family resemble each other. i will not draw with orange for a while

17 88