“Nathan Drake” concept art from The Art of The Uncharted Trilogy book

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Nathan Drake from Uncharted 4. Thanks for sharing your digital drawing with us, Dayna!

Want a chance to be featured? Submit your own creations here: https://t.co/rkNPoijX25

194 2077

sorry for don't post something more interesting :(

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Uncharted 4 - 30 Concept Art by Nick Gindraux => https://t.co/gTBFMmqO1S

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TFW your brother says that everything’s under control and then you end up in prison. Again.

3 20

вот дорисую и успокоюсь
если не начну опять Uncharted перепроходить

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This game has been my new drug, I just can’t seem to get enough of the depths and the suspense of exploring uncharted waters.

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What's this? Danny drew Sam after a billion years of not drawing him?

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Terra Incognito: Antarctica 1911 Beta Sign Up - race to the North Pole through uncharted terrain at subzero temperatures in this fast paced real-time strategy game



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Time for my This year was... video games & bisexual color schemes

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the uncharted lost legacy trio who are gr8 & lovely & idc what anyone else says
original art by
line art & color by me

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Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 2016

Horizon Zero Dawn 2017

God of War PS4 2018

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Quand t'essaies de vendre Uncharted a une pote et que elle essaie de te vendre des series françaises.
Mashup improbable pour le dernier Nathan Drake 2018 avec Clement Manuel.
Photo de base par moi meme avec James, fournisseur officiel de poses depuis 2009.

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