probs shouldnt be posting this here bc tiny bit of spoilers, but heres the ref sheet for a teacher in my webseries. i cant tell you what important part he plays in the series because that would be horrible, tho if you pay attention to this you might see what it is

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Started working on my webtoon and uploaded the prologue on Tapas! Please do check it out :)

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Have you met Harrold the stinky fly? He's Raf's best companion and mental support fly :]
The other flies make fun of him because he doesn't have legs, but he can bounce around just fine and Raf carries him ♥

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Nah, komik Guardian Devil merupakan prekuel dari webseries Edelyn: A Shivers Series, lho! Yang udah baca komiknya, harus banget nih nonton webseries-nya!

Belum punya komiknya?
Komik Guardian Devil bisa kamu dapatkan di Tokopedia & Shopee re:ON Comics.

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Some familiar faces and a face we havent seen since the PROLOGUE. Anybody remember this nerd??

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Hey Comrades,
Let’s all gather around the television for yet fun another fun episode of the Resident Evil: The Beginning! Featuring the voice of our very own and yours truly . revolves around the S.T.A.R.S. Investigation. Link below!

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I nominate X from the Battle for Dream Island webseries as . (Also I think more characters from object shows should be recommended in general!!)

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