Well, since my last doodle, I've been busy making ref sheet commissions and didn't finished until 2 nights ago, and I really needed to restore some sanity, so I spend all oflast week's free time I had doing nothing but drawing skaven gals I generated in Dall-E mini,

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I asked Dall-E 2 to uncrop one of my pieces.

I was running some of my work through it and said it'd be cool to see that piece they post processed.

100% correct, this is wild!!!

The 4th image is the original.

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Would you eat Miku Cereal?

Generated by Dall-E2

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I like using Dall-E to generate OneyPlays thumbnails because they all come out looking like the souls of the damned screaming in utter tortured agony for some reason

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Glorious unicorn.

created by openai Dall-E

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Futuristic bikes.

created by openai Dall-E

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Anime Vader.

created by openai Dall-E

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Space jockey (was hoping for “alien”movie one but got these.

created by openai Dall-E

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Female superhero’s using powers.

Created with openai Dall-E

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Glam clowns.

Created with openai Dall-E

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Dragon paintings.

Created with openai Dall-E

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Paintings from history.

Created with openai Dall-E

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Futuristic western style cyborgs (pt.2).

Created with openai Dall-E

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Cyborg art.

Created with openai Dall-E

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Ancient cave paintings of aliens.

Created with openai Dall-E

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"astonishing 35mm footage of a volcanic eruption on a salt mine planet, dark and beige atmosphere, 4k"

DALL-E (L) vs Midjourney (R)

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Here's sone stuff I made, but I've been messing with Dall-E lately and editing some results to fantastic form.

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