


3 21

Aquarius, ruled by Saturn, is the sign of innovation, uniqueness, & rebellion. Bringing humanity new ideas that deviate from the norm, Aquarius is most likely your contrarian friend who opens new perspectives & helps you change old systems. ♒️

9 18

Was burial of the dead practiced by Neandertals or is it an innovation to our species?
There are indications in favour of the first hypothesis:
Recent evidences of a neanderthal child buried 41000 years ago in Dordogne France: https://t.co/QvF0xQ7TDj
Image: anibal/stock.adobe.com

30 106

Viktor Nvl 2

"Ah, Piltover. As a boy, I looked up to you, the shining 'City of Progress'. But as a man, I see its corrupt foundations, built atop the suffering of our home, Zaun. Today, we herald a new era of Zaunite innovation--and you will be the first to witness our rise!"

16 97

was introduced to England In 1650, and technological innovations in transportation and cultivation of tea plants to meet growing demand shaped geopolitics for centuries.

Explore the plant behind the beverage in honor of https://t.co/nBkwEadEuk

4 11

Greatest of all time. Zenith of the medium. Hallmark of media. Gold standard of storytelling. Apogee of creativity. Vertex of invention. Crest of ingenuity. Acme of imagination. Pinnacle of innovation. Epic of epics. Legend among legends. Peak fiction. 11/10

3 31

世界3大webデザインアワードひとつCSS Design Awardsで、UI/UX/Innovation の各部門賞、と特別賞に当たる Special Kudosを初めて受賞致しました。

しかしWEBSITE OF THE DAYを獲るには遠い。。


12 327

This time Fitz and Marx are shown something extraordinary! What new innovation does the tech team of the Hailstrom Agency have to show off? Find out at https://t.co/dnhhRW5Phc

0 0

NHS is open for applications. CIF will prioritise applicants' activities. Applications can be made for £500 up to £10,000 or £25,000 over a 3years.
Interested in applying? Visit https://t.co/ZKZGFywCCZ or contact Richard at cif.tayside.scot

0 0

A pleasant Friday to you dear ⛄️🎅🎄❄️
The Meeting of David and Abigail, c. 1630,

One of Rubens' major innovations in the procedure, which many later artists have followed, was his use of small oil studies as compositional sketches for his large pictures .

14 31

Why I'm thankful for the pandemic.

Check out my latest newsletter:
•How to advocate for the future of schools
•Georgia O'Keefe on life and setting priorities
•How the SAT failed America

2 9

Watch your thoughts
they become words
Watch your words
they become actions
Watch your actions
they become habits


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