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Lachlan: Whaddya say we use our powers for their true intentions; saving the worlds? *wink*

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Lachlan: If I remember correctly, you have a similar power, but with fire, right?

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*they were distracted enough for the two royals to quietly talk about their powers*

Unikitty: Lachlan, your eyes were glowing red... and zapping electricity.

Lachlan: Oh, that’s my special power I kinda used to fight you back in Las Pegasus... sorry about that again. *chuckle*

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When Lachlan is sad, the Mane Six are always at attention to help him, whether it’s a big problem like skidding his paw after falling off his bmx bike, or just a little problem like a spilled ice cream sundae. That’s how much they love and care about him. 😁😇

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Lachlan: *licks her face with so much of his puppy love*

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*Lachlan points to Applejack*

Applejack: Me?

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Discord: I am not a goat! I am a draconequus!

Lachlan: Gesundheit. *his eyes spark electrically and glow red again for a brief moment, Unikitty remembers seeing it earlier when she and he were fighting*

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Rainbow Dash: *pets him* It’s okay buddy, I’m sure your Rainbow Dash will be back very shortly.

Pony Life Lachlan: She will?

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Lachlan: I’ll tell you later, but for now, we got some goat and man person guy thing butt to kick!

*Unikitty could swear she sees his eyes sparking with electricity and glowing red*

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Lachlan: *whining*

Applejack: Aw, what’s the matter Sugardog? Wonderin’ about Anthony?

Lachlan: Mhm... I understand if he’s busy with other things or if he’s sick, but it has me really bored...

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Master Frown: Laugh while you can, fleabags, because we’re gonna-!

Lachlan: Ugh, chit chat!

Master Frown: We’re gonna-!

Lachlan: *dancing* 🎵Chitty Chitty Chat Chat Chat Chat Chat!🎵

Master Frown: ...Gonna-!

Lachlan: *wiggles his tail* Chitchat!

*that made Unikitty laugh*

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Discord: Oh why thank you Princess! Almost makes me wanna spare you two.

Lachlan: Oh, spare us? How about you spare us the chitchat?

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Unikitty: You do...?

Lachlan: Discord’s done crazy chaotic things before, but I’m sure he’d never try to kill anyone... Something isn’t right with him...

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Lachlan: *spins into Discord, Crash Bandicoot style* Yeah! I’m having too much fun with this!

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Unikitty: Lachlan, look out!! *she pushes him out of the way and the magic hits her* AGH!!

Lachlan: Unikitty!! *growls at Discord and Master Frown* Now I’m mad!!

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Lachlan: What’re ya gonna do? Bite me back? *shakes his butt at Discord* You can’t catch this!

Unikitty: *snickering*

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Because Lachlan is a dingo pup, and dingoes and ponies were once (and maybe still are) mortal enemies in the animal kingdom, he can get scared of the Mane Six when they’re angry, even after they promised him that they would never get angry at him.

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Lachlan: *gets up* Laugh while you can...

Unikitty: *spinning circles around Discord’s head, making him dizzy*

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Lachlan: *wedgies Master Frown* Dogs like me have very good hearing!

Unikitty: *tail whips Discord in the belly* And cats like me have super strong tails!

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Discord: *tries sneaking up on Unikitty*

Master Frown: You think this is funny, mutt?!

Lachlan: Almost as funny as *to Unikitty* Discord trying to sneak up on Unikitty!

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