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Rainbow Dash: *chuckle* Okay buddy, you got me good. Now let go.

Lachlan: *muffled* Um... *blush* I can’t... *he can, he just doesn’t want to 😏*

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Rainbow Dash: I’m gonna get that Kyle, calling me a-

Lachlan: *he screams at her* STOP IT!! *he loses his patience and bites her on the butt*

Intense music: https://t.co/ZmgxokY2wW

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Lachlan: If she really is a bully, then I wouldn’t be friends with her, would I? *he makes a valid point*

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Lachlan: Whaddya say we use our powers for their true intentions; saving the worlds? *wink*

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Lachlan: If I remember correctly, you have a similar power, but with fire, right?

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*they were distracted enough for the two royals to quietly talk about their powers*

Unikitty: Lachlan, your eyes were glowing red... and zapping electricity.

Lachlan: Oh, that’s my special power I kinda used to fight you back in Las Pegasus... sorry about that again. *chuckle*

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When Lachlan is sad, the Mane Six are always at attention to help him, whether it’s a big problem like skidding his paw after falling off his bmx bike, or just a little problem like a spilled ice cream sundae. That’s how much they love and care about him. 😁😇

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Lachlan: *licks her face with so much of his puppy love*

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*Lachlan points to Applejack*

Applejack: Me?

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Discord: I am not a goat! I am a draconequus!

Lachlan: Gesundheit. *his eyes spark electrically and glow red again for a brief moment, Unikitty remembers seeing it earlier when she and he were fighting*

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Rainbow Dash: *pets him* It’s okay buddy, I’m sure your Rainbow Dash will be back very shortly.

Pony Life Lachlan: She will?

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Lachlan: I’ll tell you later, but for now, we got some goat and man person guy thing butt to kick!

*Unikitty could swear she sees his eyes sparking with electricity and glowing red*

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Lachlan: *whining*

Applejack: Aw, what’s the matter Sugardog? Wonderin’ about Anthony?

Lachlan: Mhm... I understand if he’s busy with other things or if he’s sick, but it has me really bored...

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Master Frown: Laugh while you can, fleabags, because we’re gonna-!

Lachlan: Ugh, chit chat!

Master Frown: We’re gonna-!

Lachlan: *dancing* 🎵Chitty Chitty Chat Chat Chat Chat Chat!🎵

Master Frown: ...Gonna-!

Lachlan: *wiggles his tail* Chitchat!

*that made Unikitty laugh*

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Discord: Oh why thank you Princess! Almost makes me wanna spare you two.

Lachlan: Oh, spare us? How about you spare us the chitchat?

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Unikitty: You do...?

Lachlan: Discord’s done crazy chaotic things before, but I’m sure he’d never try to kill anyone... Something isn’t right with him...

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Lachlan: *spins into Discord, Crash Bandicoot style* Yeah! I’m having too much fun with this!

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Unikitty: Lachlan, look out!! *she pushes him out of the way and the magic hits her* AGH!!

Lachlan: Unikitty!! *growls at Discord and Master Frown* Now I’m mad!!

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Lachlan: What’re ya gonna do? Bite me back? *shakes his butt at Discord* You can’t catch this!

Unikitty: *snickering*

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