"Papa Shino"
Petit dessin au digital de Shino et ses jumeaux, Tanochi et Kofuku :) pendant que maman sashika est en mission, papa Shino s'occupe des petits.

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Le T.6 de Hana Nochi Hare est là ! 😍

L'histoire entre Haruto et Oto continue dans ce nouveau tome parfait pour passer un samedi après-midi ! ☀🌸


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Inochino namae
utau kitane sno SnowFlake
ust blacklion833
과제하기 싫어서 중간에 커버한건데 사실 SnowFlake는 생명의 이름 커버할려고 만든 음원이였어요ㅜ.ㅜ 근데 하나도 안어울려
I didn't want to do my homework, so I did UTAU cover In fact, Snowflake was made to cover this song!

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Pinnochiop really gives me the doodle energy. Here's a relatable Meek.

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[EN LIBRAIRIE] Hana Nochi Hare - Tome 6
Haruto réagit mal en apprenant qu’Oto a décidé de s’inscrire au lycée Momonozono. Hitoshi Konoe, un élève de Momonozono, ne cesse d’interroger Oto sur sa relation avec Haruto...

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las monas chinas nochinas

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Slightly late but happy Miku day!
like a lot of anime fans I've always enjoyed vocaloid, these past couple years I've gotten back into it and some of fave producers are pinnochio-p,NERU, and Kikuo <3 <3

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a major redesign for Shinako

I just wasn't feeling how she looked originally!! She was very hard to draw at times and reminded me a lot of Inochi ;; So I fixed her casual clothes and kept her armor design the same, it's just everything else about her is extremely different

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I really love Dororo <3 I ended up making an almost daily art for this anime haha! Here’s a quick artwork I’ve squeezed in between my tight work schedule! >w< <3

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나의히어로아카데미아동인지_좋아해, 캇짱_바쿠미도(바쿠데쿠)만화_패러디만화_토라노아나구매대행



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First post! I'm finally here at Twitter haha! Here's to the first tweet with a Dororo sketch! I really love the anime specially Hyakkimaru! XD Here’s Hyakki with his hair down hahaha~

4 14

わい、結野ちりさん(yuinochiri04 )さんが描いてる漫画SCARLET(スカーレット)で偶然
『YURIHIME No1 YURI COMIC』という文言を発見する(今更)

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