I can’t wait for comes out hooooly the quality of life improvements are real

I really hope it’s not a sub
Pretty please?

0 4

Good morning- made on the beta version of

1 21

Practice sketches from this morning while playing with beta.

Illos here featuring gradient map, chromatic aberration and half tone adjustments. Yes, using everything because I'm excited.

0 8

All done in . Here’s a screen recording of me experimenting but missing the camera since my eyes were closed https://t.co/jAC3TSUhdz

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Idk what my idea was with the "coloring" with this and all but here’s a thing i picked at for like a year.... yikes.

5 10

Лайк если ты лось, который поймал сигнал 3G в лесу и зашёл в твиттер, чтобы чекнуть мой рисунок!

0 15



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1 3

When I feel lazy I like to draw half face 😆Do you feel me?

2 26