# motivationmonday punk punkanimegirl anime animegirl lippiercing lips loveyoself love papunch papunchhh drawing painting paramoart antonioparamo vitiligo vitiligoawareness bopoillustrator bopoart nobodyshame bopo bodylove4all confidenceissexy bodypositivity perfectlyme confid depression affirmation selfcare raccoon pride pridemonth pridemonth2018 confidenceiskey chronicillness chroniclife mentalhealth confidence embraceyourself loveyourcurves curvywomen curvywoman thursdaythoughts thursdaymotivation positivevibes positivethinking cardamompop quotes yoga art etsy watercolor watercolo illustrationart illustrations draw sketch skerching doodles artwork illustrator fairytail vilnius skecthbook womenartist coffee coffeehouse coffee_inst pinkart makeingart wip paint paintin digitalpainting digitalart selfportrait weekendvibes llamasoftwitter corgis illustration embraceyourcurves curvybody curvynation radicalbodylove bodylove bopowarrior allbodiesaregoodbodies celebratemysize plu comic success philautia thetypesoflove soakthinks navratri navratricolours navratriday5 pink pinkflowers lotus pinklotus lotusflower lotuswisdom flowers flower pinkbloom flowerstagram wisdom spreadlove bloom motivation navratriday3 red redflower redbloom determination believeinyourself fireyourpassion believe passion theworldisyours morningmotivation motivational staypositive positivethoughts positivity sukhasana meditation innerpeace peaceful yogaeverydamnday yogainspiration yogalove ilovemyself lookatme vanity proud mirrorselfie animation pencils strikeapose poser animate illustrate fashionblogger fashionweek gaylove cartoon fashionsketch fashiondrawing artist fashionart

I made a self-portrait for my new portfolio. Mainly because I needed a picture of me. So why not paint it.

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The Love-Yourself-Llama would like you to have a most awesome weekend! ❤️

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corgi here with an important reminder 💕✨

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Looking for a miracle? Look in the mirror!

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My instagram mini series about love !
I've started with the hardest love to feel, that is " Philautia" , it means self-love. Its the hardest because we need to work on it everyday. <3 love yourself kids, because you are perfect !

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