Interesting and colorful Neurographic Art from Drawing I students.

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Wanted to give HUGE shout-out 2 4 helping me distribute thousands of masterpieces so that our little artists can have them. Above&Beyond! I would have been an emotional mess over distributing work from the cancelled art show w/o her!

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Asked students to do this week and I am loving their results. I ❤️this one because he did it together with his family-looking, discussing, creating together-that’s what art is all about! And a nice note to go with it. I’ll take it

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Did I forget to share the chlorophyll toot?? Why yes, yes, I did!! Here you go. One of the many reasons I miss those 1st grade little stinkers, literally!! And if you missed out on the video lesson, catch it here!

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Wowed by the wonderful closet drawings from our Drawing classes!

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These are drawings from the portfolios of a few of my 2nd graders.

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Today’s sketchbook challenge was to choose one subject represented in two different media and compare the processes. You can the challenge too!

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My Art Community Service Club kids have been making art for the community to educate and uplift spirits.

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Some wonderful work during due to Using visual journals to express ourselves and Pixlr app to edit photos and old artwork.

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Lucy's Art21 artist research sketchbook assignments - I love these!

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Students had fun with the Anime sketchbook prompt this week!

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Just created a quick video for my students on how to layer multiple photographs using the App.

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This WHOLE FAMILY got in on the MountainView Mona Lisa Challenge 😍 This is opening up wonderful new possibilities for school/family connections ❤️

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MountainView students are taking on the Mona Lisa Challenge while they work from home😁 Each one brings a huge smile to MY face!#cobbartrocks

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Day of With news good and bad, CCSD is out indefinitely due to Corona virus. However, we did get to vote on a best in show from annual art show. Congratulations 2 Andrea Caterroja and Kylia Horton tied 4 best in show winners.

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