The particles making up a Ricochet are the same magic particles angels use for changing their appearance. However, only a Ricochet's particles are conscious.

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Ricochets are born at the moment their wand user uses magic for the first time. This birth is also when their weight is decided; wand users likely to cause harm or use magic more heavily require more powerful ricochets to keep balance in check.

Barimé is the heaviest Ricochet.

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Angels have the ability to store magic in their wings, but because magic particles are heavy they don't typically do so.

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The particles making up a Ricochet are the same magic particles angels use for changing their appearance. However, only a Ricochet's particles are conscious.

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Angels do not need a wand or a crystal to use magic, as they use their wings as the magical amplifier.

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February is named February because Elizabeth liberates her in the month of February. Elizabeth keeps this convention when naming future angels, and refuses to introduce herself to any new angels in the month of February to avoid confusion.

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Elizabeth appears to have no birthmarks in typical depictions, but she actually has a couple freckles in places you can't normally see.

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Angels are telepathic. They can't read other angels or humans in possession of a wand without both parties allowing it, though.

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Barimé is both skilled and strong enough to form bullets out of small rocks or other nearby items using her telekinesis.

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Thank you, for this adorable drawing of Susan!

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It's been a while since we've seen anything with this character... but she's getting a model sheet. 🤔

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Yes but today is so let's try to tone down the hate, assume the best in people, and not stress over internet comments on the nicest day of the year. ❤️

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Hey now, today is

Let's treat everyone with respect, assume the best in others, and not attack people, even people with objectively offensive views, because today is about spreading kindness and love!

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Mmm, I don't order it because I worked for Pizza Hut and I know how much of a rip off it is. 🤣

Double the price of any other pizza deals for... a few sticks of cheese in the crust.

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Interesting. I was aware that Nazis killed more than Jews, but I did not know special needs or disabled people were part of that too. It makes sense, given their ideology.

Today is ❤️ let's appreciate that LGBT & special needs peeps are better understood today.

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This is true, but it is a bit weird but the Holocaust is trending on 🤔

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It's weird that the Holocaust is trending on

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Today is and I think we definitely need more of that!

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