Careful, you might be the next one bewitched under her magic spell. 💄🔮✨

Happy Halloween!

2 29

One thing I really love about TPR is its power dynamics, or lack thereof. SR and JO view each other as equals, and they don't try to overpower the other. While SR is physically strong, JO is mentally strong. They complete each other. 🥰

10 122

Hee-seong is very observant. This is the first conversation she's ever had with Hyeon-woo and yet she already deduced this much info about HW.

Almost makes you wonder how long it is until she'd find out about JO/SR 😰

0 13

Season 1 of ‹ The Pawn's Revenge › is done! Season 2 is set to be released next year, January 2/3, 2022! Please look forward to it~

Thank you for your hard work Evy-nim! ❤


3 25

Let's show some love for this underappreciated hottie. ❣️💝 What are your thoughts about Hyeon-woo? 😍

2 40

Seong-rok if he didn't dye his hair red, what do you all think? 😳

Amateur edits 😆✌️

80 986

We know who Seong-rok will bury next 😂😂

Advance Happy Halloween! Grim Reaper Do Seong-rok strikes again 💀👻

4 49

BONUS ROUND!! Think hard!

4 картинки, 1 слово

Who does this refer to? 😉❤️
К какому герою относятся эти изображения?

QRT with your answer! 💕 Don't forget to use the tags

0 6


4 картинки, 1 слово

Who does this refer to? 😆
К какому герою относятся эти изображения?

QRT with your answer! 🤣💕 Don't forget to use the tags

0 3


4 картинки, 1 слово

Who does this refer to? 😆
К какому герою относятся эти изображения?

QRT with your answer! 🤣💕 Don't forget to use the tags

0 8

S1 was exciting,amazing & sexy from the very beginning to the very last chap.I love the build up&the anticipation. It is far from fairytale,it is a trillion times more exciting and romantic❤️ 감사합니다
Can’t wait for S2🥰 사랑 해요💞💕

10 185

Thank you so much nim for your hard work in Season 1! We all can’t wait for S2 and will miss these two 🤍😭


4 52

I scream out loud when I read this scene and I'm not even embarrassed about it 😍

JO has finally officially proclaimed that he doesn’t wanna be with anyone except SR, after introducing himself as his boyfriend 😭❤

I'm dying

4 18

first kiss // most recent kiss

JO and SR show a lot of skinship even in the beginning, but when they kiss, a lot of unsaid feelings they have for each other are revealed:

I want you to stay by my side; Don't worry, I won't leave you

9 73

Kween HS 👄 is an attractive & seductive woman, one who is likely to cause distress or disaster to any man who becomes involved with her. It is too easy to be deceived by her pretty face & forget the evil lurking behind it

1 14

The Pawn's Revenge cover picture for Season 1 is Je-oh, I wonder if Season 2 would be of Seong-rok... mayhaps them both? 😳💕

4 44

For a guy who's this dangerous to call Hee-seong a "nasty woman", it makes you really think about what more has Hee-seong done that even Seong-rok doesn't know about. 👀 Furthermore, if this ex-convict is a friend of HS's, how did they meet?

0 21